Sitemap - 2023 - Just trying to help.

Becoming emotionally honest

Sabotaging our own success

Worked up over "What Ifs"

The pursuit of endless bliss

The anxious need to be helpful

Asking For A Friend - Volume 02

What it feels like to matter

Turning towards what’s troubling us

Grieving who you needed them to be

Wishing things were different

Why aren't we talking about social health?

Being in a state of constant chase

Releasing the need for control

Keeping up with appearances

Absorbing everyone else's emotions

Breaking free from being busy

The illusion of effortless wellbeing

Co-regulation— the missing link

Being calm is not our default mode

Striking the perfect match

The culture of nonstop self-improvement

You don't have to be the fixer

Pay attention to the chameleon kids

Getting you to feel for me

Nature vs. Nurture vs. Numerics

Sailing through seas of despair

Discomfort isn't dangerous

Life is how you see it

Asking For A Friend - Volume 01

Stop chasing, start creating

The concerning rise of the "Trauma Essay"

Rupture & repair

Avoid these thinking traps

But I had a happy childhood

How to increase motivation

Worry, hurry, alarm, and overwhelm

Is it empathy or anxiety?

Some problems have no solution

Let yourself take up space

When shame gets in our way

Let's stop trauma fishing

Letting go of expectation

Taking the mental health of boys seriously

Learning to tolerate imperfection and ambiguity

The adults aren’t okay either

Secrets keep us sick

You don’t have to make lemonade

Social media is changing how we relate

How to stop overthinking

Thinking isn't doing

Sometimes you need to let go

Community versus competition

The internet is raising today's kids

Untying the knots from childhood

We are wired for connection

Hello, hello, hello!